In addition, customers pay you directly.ĮBay has snapped up quite a few companies since it first launched in 1995, including PayPal (which it acquired in 2002 and then later spun off in 2015), Gumtree, and StubHub, and had 138 million active buyers as of the third quarter of 2022. Getting paid from Amazon as a seller involves having money deposited directly into your bank account, while eBay still uses PayPal for the most part.eBay offers more customized listings, as well as the ability to have eBay employees put together listings for sellers.Listing on Amazon allows buyers to purchase right from the Amazon website and sellers can even have Amazon fulfill the order if they choose to have it stored at one of the Amazon warehouses.

The last bidder offering the highest price gets the product. Product Auction: determine the minimal starting price for your product, set the action time, and invite buyers to bid. If you’re not familiar with the marketplace, you just need a bit of foundational knowledge to start selling items to eBay’s 182 million active. Fixed Price Model: set your price and wait till the buyer makes the purchase. Amazon’s fee structure is a bit more complicated, having variable referral and closing fees, with the latter being based on the product's weight. Selling on eBay, Dube was able to not only do what he loved, but also make a living off it, and his success illustrates just how user-friendly eBay’s system can be even for first-time sellers.